Friday, March 7, 2008

GFYRC Endorses McCain for President

The Georgia Federation of Young Republican Clubs officially endorsed McCain’s presidential bid on Thursday as the nominee was about to arrive in Atlanta for a fundraiser.

“It is time to bring Republicans together to support our nominee,” said GFYRC Chairman Jason Shepherd, who served on the Executive Committee for Governor Mike Huckabee’s campaign in Georgia.

As YRs are prohibited by their rules from endorsing during the primary process, the action was made as a symbolic showing of support from a group of GOP leaders who were involved in every presidential campaign.

"As Young Republicans, our desire is to lead by example," said GFYRC National Committeeman Clint Murphy, a member McCain’s Advisory Committee. "Now is the time to come together as a political party and focus on winning the White House for John McCain and the Republican Party."

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